Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Responsibility: Money

Oh my, this whole month I feel like I'm totally preaching to myself.  Anyway, responsibility with money is another HUGE area in which we need to train our children.  The chore chart program I mentioned on Wednesday (Accountable Kids) lends itself nicely to including an allowance, or perhaps more appropriately, commission.  Again, this an area I struggle with as an adult, and I hope to train my children so they will be better prepared than I to handle finances in adulthood.

I wholeheartedly believe kids need to have access to money (and freedom with boundaries) with money (that they have earned) to learn how to use it appropriately.  Both Crown Financial Ministries and Dave Ramsey have programs to help teach kids how to handle money.  I haven't yet purchased either of their products, but I suspect I will at some time in the not-so-distant future, so I will review it for you then.  I have a lot of respect for both organizations though, and would easily recommend their products.  We haven't done anything fancy, and we're just getting started (as part of our chore charts), but we are going to have jars for the girls- each will have a giving, saving and spending jar, and they will give 10% each to the first two and may have the remaining 80% to spend.

This post is also an advertisement for the Dave Ramsey course: Financial Peace University!  It will be running for 13 weeks at the First Presbyterian Church in Wellsboro, starting on January 31.  There will be a preview this coming Monday at 6:30, so come check it out if you're in the area!  It's such a motivating, challenging program but Dave Ramsey makes it really funny and entertaining!  I highly recommend it.  We went through it and although we don't have it all together yet, we are working our way to financial peace, based on Dave's program.  Click here for more information.   Remember, you can't pass on to your children what you don't have to give.  Get financial peace for your family now!

Incidentally, there is a great article by Dave Ramsey about kids and money in the January/February issue of Thriving Family magazine!  This magazine is a great resource and I would highly recommend that you subscribe to it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great post Carolyn!

John and Sara