Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011!

Happy New Year!

I love a fresh start!  Even each new day, week, month or season is a chance to start anew.  But of course, a new year, is the most exciting of all! 

I love in Proverbs 31:25 where it says (NIV): 
She is clothed with strength and dignity; 
   she can laugh at the days to come.

I can laugh at the days to come!  I don't need to dread them, or fear them, but I can be joyful and excited about them!  I anticipate what is to come, and make plans to walk into my future, steadfast, and with a smile on my lips.

Proverbs 21:5 (NASB) 
The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage,
        But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.

God honors our plans.  That doesn't always mean things work out exactly as we planned, or exactly as we want them to, but our taking the time to plan is an advantage to us.  So lets take time to plan for 2011.  What are you doing that you want to continue?  What aren't you doing that you would like to start?  Let's make plans for our family.  If we don't, life will just happen and we will be swept by with the current, just like that "house that was built upon the sand."  Let's be the house(hold) that is built upon the rock, that can stand firm and intentional despite what is going on around us.

So what will 2011 look like for your family?  Indeed, let's "create a calendar" for our family, rather than letting the calendar create us.  Let's commit together to be intentional this year.

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