Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Responsibility: Things like...replacing the empty toilet paper roll

Well, I meant to post this last week but never got around to it.  Better late than never though!  So- this idea comes from Family Fun magazine, and I tried everything I know to find it posted on the website, and couldn't.  Soooo- I'll give you a brief description, but you'll have to buy the February 2011 issue to read all the details.

And... I'm excited because there's a little "advance notice" item saying that in the June/July Issue 2011, Family Fun is going to be sharing another badge program!

This badge program is a solution presented by a real family.  Basically, they came up with a list of tasks their children were capable of doing- household chores as well as other jobs, like wrapping a present.  They designed badges and sashes, a la boyscouts & girlscouts, and as each job is completed, they get the badge.

It sounds like a fun, motivating way for kids to step up to some new responsibilities...and reduce the frustration we feel when we discover an empty toilet paper roll. :)  (Can you tell one task I will be teaching soon?!)

It's great to remember that if we put a little fun into learning the mundane things in life can change a child's (and our!) response to it.

How do you put some fun into daily tasks for your kids?

1 comment:

Kristie said...

We put a bit of fun in toy clean up by racing a timer : )