Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

How to post a comment

Welcome to blog world!  I know this is new to some of you and I want you to be able to jump right in and get involved, and share your wonderful ideas too!  Sooo, here are the instructions on how to leave a comment.

1. Scroll down to the bottom of the post.

2. There you will see a little statement about how many comments have been posted.  For example, it might say "0 Comments" or "3 Comments."  Hopefully it will eventually say "1027 Comments." It doesn't matter what number it says, click on it.

3. A page will pop up with other people's comments on the left and a box on the right that says "Leave Your Comment."

4. Click in that box and type your comment.

5. This is where it starts to sound complicated, but bear with me on this because it is NOT complicated!

6. Now you have to "Choose an identity."  If you already have a google ID it will probably pre-select that for you.  If you do NOT have a google ID, or do not want to use your google ID, I would request that you click the circle next to "Name/URL."  It will also work if you click "Anonymous" but I would rather know who you are. :)

7. If you are using your google ID or "Anonymous", skip to 10.  If you are using "Name/URL," go to 8.

8.When you click "Name/URL" two boxes will come up.  One says Name.  Please type your name in there.  First name is sufficient, but you may include your last name if you wish.

9. You will notice that the URL box says faintly "optional" so you can just leave it BLANK!  If you have a website that you would like to link to, by all means go ahead, but I suspect that if you do, you are not even reading this "how to post a comment" page. :)

10. Scroll down slightly and click: "Publish Your Comment."  It sounds very official and scary, but really it's no big deal, and commenting is how we can make this an online dialogue, not a monologue.  You will then see your comment on the left with the other comments.

11.Up at the top it will say "Your comment has been saved.  It may take a moment for it to appear on the original post."  Click on "the original post" to go back to the main page.

Thanks so much!