Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Family Mission Statement

About a year ago, my family and I went through the process of writing a Family Mission Statement.  I had read about it and thought it was a great idea.  We included our kids in the process, which was humorous and also profound in surprising ways.  With the thoughts of life simplification, focus and intentionality that have been swimming in my head for the new year, I thought that others might be interested in creating a Family Mission Statement.  Probably in another year or two we'll revisit it to see if anything has changed or if we want to add anything new.  The beginning of a new year is a great time to do this!  So, one of my favorite bloggers, Simple Mom, has created a fantastic process that you can follow to walk you through this.  Just click here.  Give it a try!
I'd love to hear how you are intentional with your family, or how it went if you made a Family Mission Statement!

1 comment:

Audra Michelle said...

Our current pastor spoke at MOPS last year about making a family mission statement. His family created theirs a few years back - Be the Blessing. It has become the unofficial motto of our church at this point! We are being more intentional this year, but I think we are a good year away from making a mission statement as a family.