Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankfulness: Madame Blueberry


I find it amazing the things that I have learned from kids products...for myself!  One of those is the VeggieTales show Madame Blueberry. If you haven't seen this one, I highly recommend it.  The main tagline: "A thankful heart is a happy heart" has stuck with me and come to mind at times when I was discontented or complaining.  I think my daughter may have even reminded me of it a time or two.  Kids have an uncanny way of showing us our own weaknesses.  If we can let go of our pride, we can learn a lot from them. This is the last post (for now) devoted to our monthly theme of Thankfulness.  I'm SURE we'll revisit it at some point, but we're closing out this series for now. I hope it's been helpful and I would love to hear your feedback!

What kids products (or things your kids have said) have impacted YOUR spriritual walk?


Carolyn said...

I know this is available on Netflix through the Wii if anyone has that!

Carolyn said...

This is a test comment