Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Spiritual Parenting: The Trinity


Recently, my middle daughter (who just turned 4) asked me: "How can God be God, and Jesus be God?"  I stumbled and mumbled something that I can't remember and I'm sure wasn't very helpful to her, but it got me thinking that I need to be able to illuminate spiritual mysteries to my kids in a practical way.

I came across an article in the children's ministry magazine K! by Alan Root where he shared the following three illustrations that help to share the idea of the Trinity with children (and adults!).

Illustration #1: Mathematics. 1+1+1=3.  And 1x1x1=1.  So 3 ones can be either 3 or 1 depending on how you compile them.

Illustration #2: Physics. H20 exists as a gas, a liquid and a solid.  Vapor, water, and ice.  But it's all still H20.

Illustration #3: Biology. from Gallus Domesticus (the chicken).  A single egg has three parts: outside shell, egg white, and egg yolk.  3 parts--one egg.

The age of your child or children may determine which of these illustrations will be most useful to you right now...but remember that discussing the idea of the God-head shouldn't be a one-time conversation, so maybe those other examples will be useful later.  You can also share with your kids how they, in fact, are 3-in-1 as well...spirit, soul (mind, or brain) and body.  We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made in His image.

Interestingly enough, the word "trinity" does not appear in the Bible, but the concept is clearly taught throughout Scripture.  Root also mentions that these illustrations are just that- illustrations, and they are not perfect in explaining the mystery of the Trinity.  Ultimately, the one-ness of Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is something our human brains cannot fully understand.  

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