Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Monthly Theme: Generosity

Can you believe it's December already?  Wow- time flies. :)  How appropriate that it snowed!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and now we are smack dab in the middle of the "holidays."  Hopefully everyone you are all making progress on your various lists!

Now that we are in a new month, that means it's time to focus on a new character word. This month's theme is: Generosity.  At a time of year when everyone (kids especially) can have a tendency to get greedy, if we focus on being generous, it takes the focus off of ourselves.

Acts 20:25 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

I think as parents we know this to be true as we think about, plan, and prepare what gifts we will give our children.  I know for me this is the reason I tend to over-give gifts to them-- it is so delightful to see them delighted!  

With toddlers and preschoolers it can be overwhelming to them to receive a ton of gifts, and then you get into the whole "Okay, we don't have time to play with that now, it's time to open more gifts!" situation, which is kind of ridiculous!  I know some people with young kids who spread out the gift-opening throughout the day, or even over several days.  Some people choose to do it in a "12-days of Christmas" scenario.  But I digress...

Even a two-year-old can be taken to the dollar store to buy gifts for family and friends, and it is SO fun for them!  Or better yet, make a plan with your children to make gifts for family and friends.  Involving them in the process helps them to understand the idea of giving, as well as the idea of getting, and being thankful. 

How do you grow generosity in your kids?

PS: Just in case anyone is wondering about the giveaway from last week- no one commented, so the giveaway, sadly, went by the wayside.  Hopefully we'll get some more conversation going here and next time we have a giveaway someone will be able to benefit from it! :)

1 comment:

barbara said...

Every time they recieved money, they gave 10% to the Lord, 10% for savings, 10% for giving and the rest they could use. If they let it sit a while, they got to give something pretty big to someone and loved it!