Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jesse Tree Advent Celebration

I know we're already well into the Advent season, but I found a great FREE resource that I wanted to share with you.  If you go to this website: A Holy Experience, you can read about: A Jesus Advent Celebration: A Jesse Tree Journey.  You can download it here.  What a great way to share a more spiritual side of this season with your children!  It gives wonderful daily scripture readings along with discussion starters, prayer suggestions, and "action items" It also comes with printable paper ornaments to put on your "Jesse Tree" each day- perfect for your kids!  It also presents the gospel message, which is the whole point of Jesus coming to earth in the first place!  Take advantage of this free resource!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Stuff Carolyn. Thanks! John