Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Book Club!

I want to invite all of you to join me for an online book club!  We will be starting in January since I wanted to give everyone time to get the book. I'm hoping each month to read a different parenting book.  As an opener to the parenting homegroup that I believe will be happening this spring, the first book we're going to go through is Raising Kids Who Turn Out Right, by Tim Kimmel.

The parenting homegroup will be going through the book and DVD series "Grace-Based Parenting," also by Tim Kimmel.  I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Kimmel speak at the MOPS Convention in 2009, and his scriptural, practical advice for raising children was so refreshing and helpful.  So, get Raising Kids Who Turn Out Right, and join me for discussion here on the blog in January!

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