Raising spiritual champions who will shine like stars in the universe!

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Second Best Gift

Drumroll...the second best gift you can give your children is: A good marriage and a stable family life.

How can we do this?

Just like we talked about intentional parenting, now we need to consider intentional marriage-ing.  Investing in our marriages.

One of my goals for the new year is to make that weekly date-night a priority.  We get date nights- just not weekly, but I think that set-aside time, even if we're not going fancy places or spending a lot of money, is invaluable.  It's easier in the summer, I think....my husband and I have found that sitting together around a fire in our fire pit after the kids have gone to bed is a great connecting time for us.  Just sitting...away from texting and facebook and TV...chatting and enjoying each other's company.  It helps that my husband is a teacher, so he is less busy in the summer.  So how do we bring that special time into the school year?  We're working on it.  I think the point is to make this a priority.

Another thing that is helpful to us is having a regular, early bedtime for our children, so we have some time each evening to reconnect.  We also try to get away for a weekend, just the two of us, at least once or twice a year.  Hopefully eventually it can be more frequently and maybe for longer, but while our kids are young, I think we do well to get a weekend once or twice a year. :)

On a daily basis, investing in a kiss that is more than a peck each morning, taking time to laugh together, plan together, help each other, and looking for ways to bless each other in the little things.

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, 
   and those who love it will eat its fruit.

We need to take this verse very seriously. (This also applies to our children!)  How do we speak to (and about) our spouse?  Are we sarcastic and cutting?  Are we rude and angry?  We need to avoid this kind of talk and make a point to speak in a life-giving way to our spouse.  Not just "you're doing a great job" but just speaking kindly to them as we go about our day, saying "please" and "thank you."  Not only will this benefit our relationship, but it sets an example to our children of how to interact with each other, and eventually, in their own marriage.  

Investing in your marriage is the second best gift you can give your kids.  How do you invest in your marr


Audra Michelle said...

So true! Getting that time alone is so hard. We often just don't have the funds to go out to dinner or anything like that. Finding time during the school year is really tricky for us too with late evening commitments nearly every night.

A favorite "date" is what we call "wine time." After the kids are asleep (tricky with a young nurseling), we each take a glass of wine upstairs. We just sit on the bed, facing each other, ad talk. Reconnect. And hey, it also lends itself well to snuggling!

Ericka said...

I love this one Carolyn! It's a great reminder....Jeff works constantly he works all day and then comes home and works.. so we rarely get much time together usually right before bedtime-we actually are just starting a date night/movie night once a week so hopefully we can stick to that goal.